Saturday, December 22, 2012

Health and Weight Loss with a Home Sauna

Year after year, most folks seem to have "getting healthy" or "losing weight" on their list of New Years resolutions. A new sauna from Saunas And Stuff can actually help. Let’s make 2013 the year you meet that goal and actually lose that weight and get healthy while doing it.

Infrared saunas are a great way to lose weight and detox the skin and body. Saunas work differently for everyone, depending on your body weight, how your body produces sweat, your normal heart rate and your metabolism. Most people see amazing benefits from using an infrared sauna.

Saunas for Weight Loss – If you are already in great shape, saunas will help you remain at your current weight while greatly increasing your blood circulation. You will also get to reap the rewards of the detox benefits. For people who are overweight, saunas are great additions to a new gym regimen. You also need to exercise and eat healthy, but saunas will help you relax, detox and improve circulation to boot. Most people who are overweight have a slower metabolism. Regular use of a sauna could help with. A 30 minute daily sauna session or "sauna bath" can increase your metabolism due to the penetrating heat and increase in blood flow.

Saunas for Detox – Infrared saunas are a great option to detox your body. They can significantly expedite the detoxification process as it heats your tissues several inches deep. This helps enhance your natural metabolic processes. Saunas also increase circulation and oxygenate your tissues, which is very beneficial for your health. Your skin is a major organ for eliminating toxins, and most people do not sweat enough to eliminate all of the toxins from their home, work and outside world environments. Repeated use of the sauna slowly helps restore your skins ability to eliminate toxins, especially after sun damage and wearing tight clothes cause this process to slow. Restoring your skin elimination will significantly reduce your toxic load and will also help rid your body of heavy metals and chemicals.

The major difference between an infrared sauna and the traditional Finish (hot rock) type of sauna is the latter heats you up from the outside in, like an oven. The infrared sauna heat penetrates and heats you from the inside out. They are amazing options for turning around your health in the New Year.

Saunas And Stuff sells some of the top line infrared saunas and traditional hot rock saunas and sauna heaters. Contact us to help you select the perfect option for you.

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